Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend DWI Enforcement

“STOP-DWI” Memorial Day Weekend
Holiday Enforcement

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano, Nassau County Police Commissioner Lawrence W. Mulvey, and Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice announced today at a press conference that this up-coming holiday weekend the NCPD will participate in a “STOP-DWI” program that will allocate additional police officers to conduct an extensive DWI enforcement initiative.

The “STOP DWI” program is funded by DWI fines collected here in Nassau County and will provide the Nassau County Police Department with additional funding that will be utilized to implement an effective DWI saturation enforcement strategy that has proven very successful in years past. The NCPD’s Highway Patrol Bureau will coordinate and plan this initiative that will target certain areas throughout the county. During the Memorial Day Holiday Weekend in 2009, there were 65 DWI arrests made countywide.

“It has been no secret that Nassau County is tough on drunk drivers,” said County Executive Mangano. “No one is safe when there are drunk drivers on our roads. Last year there were 32 fatalities as a result of DWI. That’s 32 families destroyed needlessly. Had the drunk drivers involved in these fatalities been responsible in their decision making process, these 32 individuals would be here today with their families.”

“Since being appointed Police Commissioner, I have made no secret of the fact that I view drunk drivers and illegal guns equally lethal to the residents of our community,” said Commissioner Mulvey. “Our message is clear, if you drink and drive here in Nassau County you will be arrested and prosecuted. As of April 30th of 2010, we have made 1,180 DWI arrests this year and a total of 3,918 arrests last year. I urge everyone to be responsible and to plan accordingly not just this holiday weekend but always so that you and others return home safely to their loved ones.”

Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice stated: “With the weather turning warmer, there will be parties, barbecues and celebrations all summer long. It is essential, however, that we all take on the responsibility of ensuring that our friends and family do not drink and drive. One reckless decision to drive drugged or drunk or to get into a car with someone else that is driving drugged or drunk may be the last thing you ever do. Don’t let this wonderful time of year end in tragedy.”

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dr Paul Van Wie Honored

Dr. Paul van Wie was honored by the Friends of Hempstead Plains for his volunteer contributions to so many organizations in Nassau County. Dr. van Wie is President of the Franklin Square Historical Society and historian for the Town of Hempstead.
He has given his time to preserve the Hempstead Plains, the history of our town and raised funds to build a museum in Franklin Square by Rath Park to house the Societys growing collection of historical memorabilia. Future generations of our town residents will benefit for many years thanks to the hard work of Dr. Paul van Wie.

Franklin Square Historical Society Meets

The Next meeting of the Franklin Square Historical Society will be held on Wednesday May 26 at 7:30 pm at Washington Street School. Joe Barry of the Interfaith Nutrition Workshop will be the guest speaker. Members are asked to bring a non perishable food item to the meeting for a donation to the INN.

**There will be a special demonstration of a 100 year old Franklin Square Specialty as a surprise for members.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Girl Scout Troop 1754 from the West Hempstead Franklin Square Girl Scouts will be planting a " GO GREEN GARDEN " on Sunday May 16, 2010 at 9 am at the Veterans Memorial Monument at Rath Park. (located across the street from the parking lot of Rath Park on Naple Avenue)The Town of Hempstead has graciously given the girls this area to plant. This project is the end result of all the work the girls have done over the past 3 years on " It's Your Planet Love It ". All perennial flowers will be planted to ensure that a garden will bloom every year. This " GO GREEN GARDEN " is a gift to the community of Franklin Sq from Troop 1754 and their way of living by the Girl Scout Law to "make the world a better place".

Josephine Detz
Troop Leader

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

House Burglaries Reported in Area

Dear Officer Miller:

There have been several house burglaries in Garden City South over the past several weeks. Are they going to be added to the blog? There was one as recently as Saturday afternoon on Wellington Road which I only found out about because a friend of mine lives across the street and we were going for a walk at the time. I live only a few blocks away. It would be beneficial for all of us in the community to be aware of these robberies.

Dear P.S.,

There have been 3 reported incidents from April 16 to April 22 where homes were entered thru rear or side windows. All these incidents are under investigation at this time. If you want any further information please call and speak to one of our POP Officers at 573-6570.

Tips for safeguarding your home:

1. Install and maintain the timers on lights
2. Make sure all exterior lights are functioning properly
3. No mail or flyers left out
4. Let a neighbor you trust know your away and where you are in case they need to contact you
5 . Safeguard all jewelry and cash
6 . Make sure all first floor window air conditioners are secured because this allows easy access for burglars to get into your home
7. Make sure all house alarms are functioning properly
8 . Make sure all windows and doors are secure
9 . Trim all bushes and hedges around windows and doors because these make easy hiding spots for burglars
10. Be careful of routines.

If you see anything suspicious please call 911 and not your local precinct so their response can be faster! When in doubt do not be afraid to call 911!!
Speak clearly and slowly so the proper information gets out. Don’t rush the phone call because all the information is important.
Try to get any information possible i.e. vehicle plate numbers, physical descriptions such as clothing, height, race, weight, gender, direction of travel, and what they might have in their possession i.e. backpack, gym bag.
You are the eyes and ears of the community so please call regarding anything suspicious or unusual. This is our community so please be vigilant and again do not be afraid to call 911 for any suspicious and unusual activity.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sewanhaka Central High School District Adopts New Policy on Harassment

The Sewanhaka Central High School District adopted a new board policy on harassment, hazing and bullying at its Board of Education meeting on April 27. The board said it was committed to providing an environment that promotes respect and equality among its students.

Furthermore, the board stated that any type of bullying will not be tolerated in the district. But in terms of the new policy, it singles out the terms mentioned in physical, but also written, verbal and in electronic form. The board stressed that if any student has fallen victim to such a threat, to tell their parents and contact the district immediately.

According to the district’s agenda of the evening, it says that “if after appropriate investigation, the district finds that a student, an employee or a third party has violated this policy, prompt corrective action will be taken in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreement, district policy and state law.”

The board concluded that this policy extends toward communication that threatens another on the basis, “race, color, national origin, creed, marital status, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic status, class or club affiliation or other distinguishing characteristic.”

Trustee David Del Santo stressed at the meeting that the board needs to put this policy on the fast track as soon as possible to avoid harmful incidents. He feels that it’s a step in the right direction.

“I think that it’s imperative that this school board takes the harassing, hazing and bullying policy and fast track it and makes sure it gets wide dissemination and gives direction to the schools in the district,” he said. Del Santo went on to say that this policy will not only show if they’re doing their job right, but that it will give not only students the idea of the right course of action, but the administrators as well. “This new board policy, I think, will go a long way in giving direction to our administrators on how to proceed when an instance like this occurs,” he said.